12.14.2007 at 12:22 pm

mississippi and bubble blowing

over the past few days janie has been asking about her daddy...

"momma....where my daddy?" she would ask with her blue eyes as big as saucers and her little bottom lip poked out.

"he's at work, darlyn..." every time she would ask i would try to explain to her that he was in mississippi (which i had her on video trying to say mississippi...it's hilarious, even though she does a pretty good job at it) working and that he would be home when he got finished.

i think she's tired of that answer.

but... i don't really have another answer for her.


right now, i'm tentativelyplanning on loading up and taking janie to mississippi to see her daddy tomorrow. i say tentatively because it suppose to rain, and i'm not all about driving 135 miles in the rain.... not to mention janie and i had that little hydroplaning incident once on the way back from mississippi...

and according to weatherunderground.com there is only a 20% chance of rain for tomorrow.... but i'll wait to decide tomorrow morning when i watch the news.

here's a video of janie telling me to take her picture while she is jumping around and acting goofy and hyped up on speed... there has got to be a middle ground in there somewhere.... this kid acts like this at home, but in public, she'll shy away from everyone... until we go to wal-mart or the grocery store. then, it's time to test the public to see how long it takes for one of them to call dhr on the momma that can't seem to discipline her child.

take picture of me! from leigh on Vimeo.

oh... and here's another video that i made this morning after the comments that were made to me about my bubble blowing pics from yesterday....

leigh blowing bubbles from leigh on Vimeo.

hope you enjoyed it!


tell me i'm beautiful...


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