09.04.2007 at 6:46 pm

the remote

it is absolutely amazing at how the small things in life can thrill me and chris to no end...

we got the replacement garage door remote in the mail today and chris programmed it. we had to order a new one because the previous owners of the house were EXTREMELY strange and no telling what they did with it. after all the odd things we found throughout the house when they finally left, i am thinking they sacrificed it to the fake-fingernail-way-too-many-ugly-halloween-decorations-i-am-so-white-trash spirit. (i eluded to how much weird stuff they had earlier, i know i did...) yep. that's probably what they did.


no more getting out in the rain to go to my car!

we've never had a covered garage before. actually, i've never lived in a house with a covered, attached garage. this is a first for us. and before today, i would load janie into the car, back it up, put it in park, go into the garage and close the door, go back into the house and come out the front door so i could lock it and go back to my car.

see why i am so excited about the remote?


tell me i'm beautiful...


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