08.06.2007 at 10:15 pm

bye bye blue

school is about to start up again. we have two more days of inservice (today was institute -- a county-wide inservice that everyone had to go to) and then on thursday the kids come back to start a new school year.

tonight was new student orientation at my school. we have a new principal and a new counselor so there are going to be LOTS of changes. but i am confident that the changes will be for the better.

i left janie with chris while i went back to the school for orientation. i got to meet some of my new students and their parents. it went very, very well.


when i got to my car, chris had called my cell phone 6 times.

any time chris calls my cell phone more than once or twice, something is wrong.

very wrong.

i called him back and his only words to me were, "what do you put on a burn?"

and then my cell phone cut out.

i am glad that we now live in the same town that i work in, because i didn't have far to travel (like, less than 2 miles) to get home.

apparently, when chris took blue walking (of course, janie went with) he got overly excited because another dog was out. not on a lease. just out. and blue went cRaZy.

he didn't want to attack the dog, he just wanted to play. but he was on a leash. and when he went around chris and janie, his leash caught her on the neck and rope-burned her.

her little neck looks horrible.

but i know that by tomorrow morning, it will look much better.

chris was so upset, that he called his parents (who want a dog like blue because theirs went missing...in other words, went to doggy heaven) and blue will be living with them starting on friday.

i haven't seen chris that upset in a very long time. he was worried that janie didn't understand what had happened and that she thought he had hurt her. so, after her bath i had a talk with her...

"janie, does your neck hurt?" i asked, knowing that it didn't at that time because she was acting normal and bouncing around like always.

"no. it not hurt no more," she replied with those big beautiful blue eyes as sincere as they could be.

"do you know what happened to your neck?" i asked. i was scared of what her answer might be.

"blue... blue ran over me..." she replied, and then laid her head on my lap.

"will it be okay if blue goes to live with mawmaw and pawpaw so he doesn't hurt you anymore? he can go live with bud!"

"uh huh," she replied. all the time, her little blonde curly head laid on my lap.

"how much do you love your daddy?" i asked.

and with that, her head bolted up and her eyes lit with a blue fire and she smiled that gapped-tooth grin that i love so much...

" t h i s m u c h ! ! ! " she said, with her arms out stretched.

"and blue go live with bud and play with him and live with mawmaw and live with pawpaw..." her head nodding up and down the whole time.

"yes, darlyn... blue can go live with bud, and mawmaw, and pawpaw."


tell me i'm beautiful...


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