08.08.2007 at 8:49 pm

work husband

tonight, i chatted with GEORGE!

yeah. i know, you probably don't have a clue as to who that is, but he's the cousin of the blogger who is said to be solely responsible for the mommy-blogging craze that so many men in this world loathe.


heather armstrong, a.k.a. dooce. she's got a daughter within a month of the same age as janie (although, i am pretty sure that janie is cuter... i won't say smarter... but i really, really want to... but i am just a wee bit biased on both issues)


yesterday, melanie and i decided that we had to play a trick on our next-door-teacher-neighbor (a.k.a. my work-husband -- you know, the guy you work with and have to take care of even if you don't want to? like fix his computer because he doesn't understand why the monitor isn't working after he has UNPLUGGED IT. yeah, that guy). we had asked him to take down a dead limb that was in the way of my parking place. his response was that he would do it later.

that was last week.

so, yesterday, after walking face first into the limb, i got mad.

i asked the janitor to help me take down the limb, to which he dutifully complied. when the limb (which didn't weigh much, but was very large) hit the ground, i picked up the larges piece and pulled it behind my work-husband's vehicle.

the point was that if he thought he wasn't going to have to move the limb for me, he certainly was now.

and at the end of the day, a laugh was had by all...

this morning, melanie and i found letters in our mailboxes from our new principal. the letters stated that because of liability issues, we were no longer allowed to park our cars where they were currently parked (or something to that extent). i didn't get past the first sentence before my blood pressure shot up.

that meant that i was going to have to park in front of the building like everyone else and walk 40-forevers to my room.

like everyone else.

part of the perks of having my classroom outside, detached from the main building is that i get to park oh-so close to my door. within feet of it, actually.

but, even though i was mad, i knew that i needed to do what my new boss wanted me to. so i told melanie to check her mailbox.

she, on the other hand, decided that she needed to bring to the boss's attention, that we weren't the only ones out there parking, and that we had always parked out there, yadda, yadda, yadda. i explained to her, that i was NOT going to go to him and complain about this. if that's what he wanted, that's what i would do.

no prob, bob.

after further reading... actually READING the letter, and not just skimming it... it dawned on us...

the word principal was spelled "principle" and the word no was spelled "know".

anyway, another laugh was had by all... because my work-husband had decided to return the joke-favor from yesterday...

but melanie had a point.

war is hell.

but, my point is... hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

and this man has TWO crazy bitches after his ass....



tell me i'm beautiful...


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