12.18.2006 at 1:13 pm

bellingrath 2006

this past week has been a doozy.

my grandfather fractured his hip. and when they put him in the hospital, they found a mass in his lungs (biopsy taken -- we should know today or tomorrow the results).

chris lost his job.

well... i guess when you type it out like that, it isn't really that much. but i promise, it IS.


but we did make the time to take janie to bellingrath gardens to see the Christmas lights with Chris's family (his mom, sister, her 2 girls, his cousin, her wife and their 3 boys). she acted like a total and utter 2-year-old as soon as we got there. yelling and screaming.

but after the first 15 minutes or so, she was much better.

thank GOD.

my pictures aren't as good as they were last year -- but take into account that i wasn't chasing after a toddler last year either. i'm glad we took janie, but i doubt we will do it again (well, with a big group of people like this time).



tell me i'm beautiful...


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