11.03.2006 at 10:15 am

fried the big toys

every year the fair comes to my home town. it is like any other traveling carnival -- lots of rickety, brightly painted rides. more cotton candy and powdered-sugar covered funnel cakes than you can shake a stick at (--there's a southern phrase for ya). neon lights in every color illuminating the deeply wrinkled faces of the carnival workers.

earlier this week i rode by the fairgrounds after i had picked janie up from daycare. this was before it had gotten dark, so i didn't think anything of her seeing the rides. as we approached the fairgrounds, janie's already large eyes got bigger and bigger.

"toys, momma," she said in her munchkin-like voice.

"BIG TOYS," she then repeated in a much lower, more forceful tone, as if to make sure that i knew what she was talking about.

at that moment, i knew i would be taking my child to the fair.

"that's called the fair, janie. pop and i will take you later this week so you can ride those big toys."

"yeah, i wanna fried the BIG TOYS."

i love that my child has inherited my ability to inflect her voice to the point of hilarity. but i also love that she has not only inherited that from me, but she has also inherited the ability to contort her expressions beyond normalcy and freak out even the carnival workers.

all in all we had a great time last night. my mom and dad went with us and my father rode the merry-go-round with janie twice and the ferris wheel once.

even though she may not remember this night 10 years from now, i will never forget her staring down the carnies and telling me she wanted to "fried the BIG TOYS". it was great.

Fair 2006


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