09.21.2006 at 3:45 pm

quiz condensed

i got this from vibinghigh who got it from pinkbowshoe. i wanted to do the whole thing, but i didn't have time. i have found some things out about myself though... too much caffiene can make ANY BODY CRAZY...

    four vacations you have taken:

  1. jackson hole, wyoming (when i was in high school with my parents)

  2. orange beach, alabama

  3. panama city, florida

  4. some random town, south carolina (not really a vacation. to see chris while he was working off)

    four things you'd like to learn:

  1. to write css blindfolded with both hands tied behind my back

  2. to be a great teacher

  3. how to lose weight and keep it off (then i'd sell this to one of those random women's magazines and make MILLIONS..)

  4. how to just CHILL THE HECK OUT about work

    four beverages you drink frequently:

  1. diet pepsi

  2. diet pepsi

  3. diet pepsi

  4. diet pepsi

    four tv shows that were on when you were a kid

  1. the care bears

  2. the shirt tails

  3. jem and the holograms

  4. the smurfs

    5 things in my fridge

  1. 2% milk

  2. pillsbury crescent rolls (they are GREAT!!)

  3. diet pepsi

  4. apple juice

  5. apple sauce

    5 items in my car

  1. a car seat

  2. a book about shapes and colors sitting in the car seat

  3. a pappy (pacifier)

  4. a bottle of excedrin migraine

  5. some Christmas presents for janie (in the trunk, so she won't find them)

    5 items in my purse

  1. a black pen

  2. a pack of yogos

  3. my flash drive

  4. my digital camera

  5. my checkbook

if you don't know what yogos are, don't worry. you haven't missed much. i promise. they are "yogurt covered fruity dots" and they are not for grownups, i promise. but if you want to see another adult make a horrible face, give them one and tell them it's good. you'll laugh. ESPECIALLY if it's someone who has made you angry recently... ;)


tell me i'm beautiful...


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