01.13.2006 at 9:11 am


yeah, i'm sure you've noticed the changes. and for right now, they are staying. the ads, that is. i have decided to see just what this whole "making money while blogging" thing is about. i highly doubt i will see more than about 17� for my efforts, but hey. why not? if heather b. armstrong (of dooce dot com -- the ex-mormon who got fired from her really good job for talking about work on her blog -- yeah, exactly... DUH!) can support her family off of the wealth she is making from online ads on her blog, why not me? -- *note: i do not EVER plan on supporting my family this way. the ads are PURE narcissism.

there has been a great deal of controversy in the blogging world about whether or not blogs are written for the blogger or the people who spend countless hours a day reading other people's thoughts. at first, i wrote this blog for me and only me. it was locked for the first few months and then i decided to unlock it. why? because i am intrinsically vain (but who's not?) and i wanted to see who would actually waste their time by reading about my boring life.

i found out that yes, people actually do read about my boring life. but, why did i think they wouldn't? because i was spending a minimum of an hour of my day reading about their lives as well. i have connected with people that i never would have met otherwise. i almost feel close enough to a couple of them to call 'em my friends. i have also figured out that many of my fellow bloggers are pretty darn smart. college educated or not. this makes me strive to be a better writer. because, saying writing something stupid is far worse than saying something stupid. it is almost tangible, you know? which in turn, causes me to look better (at least, i hope) to my bloggers. **please correct me if i am wrong...

things have changed drastically since i started this blog in may of 2003. my wonderful husband and i have been through some crazy-rough patches. we now have a beautiful daughter who is the center of our world. we have both grown up. and i have come to realize that the most important people in my life have been there all along.

what was the point of this post? there wasn't one really. i guess i just needed to get some stuff out in the open.

now for the onslaught of comments about how i don't know what i am talking about... come on... you know you want to...


tell me i'm beautiful...


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