12.05.2005 at 10:16 am


"it's not who you are underneath, but what you do that defines you." -- Batman Begins

from the time we are able to understand the English language we are told that it is what's inside that counts. i guess that is another way of saying that beauty is only skin deep.

but is that necessarily true? i have learned that, yes, beauty is a visible trait. but it is also a deeper, more fundamental quality that once found inside someone, cannot be forgotten. the trick is finding someone who is both beautiful inside AND out. this brings me to jon.

this past weekend i had the great honor to be reintroduced to an amazing person. his name is jon. some friends arrived at our house to play some cards and i immediately knew that this was a person that i could become fast friends with. his acerbic sense of humor was quick with wit and dripping with vulgarity. i couldn't have loved it more! not to mention that he told me that i was beautiful more than once. (and you know how i love to hear that.)

we began to play cards while another guy started telling a story of how he use to work for a furniture company, blah, blah, blah. i interjected, "my aunt works for a furniture company and she gave me all the furniture that's in janie's bedroom." that's when jon spoke up.

"i have a cousin who works there...linda"

"my aunt's name is linda...does the last name ******** (my maiden name) mean anything to you?"

by the look on his face i could tell that it did. i had just spent the past two hours swapping stories and earthy jokes WITH MY 3RD COUSIN.

the next hour was spent with him on the phone with his mother (my 2nd cousin) and us talking about how WILD this all was. we caught up on everything. i didn't care who was there at that point...i HAD to talk more to him! talking to him was like a drug and i wanted as much as he would give me. even when everyone left, i started planning the next time we would invite everyone over. and then i figured out why i had been so interested in his personality before... he was a part of MY FAMILY. and he acts just like them (or, us, i should say).

so this is for jon. i haven't stopped smiling since we met you saturday night. we had a great time and can't wait for you guys to come back over. you're just so darn precious that i could squeeze you to death!



C H R I S T M A S ! ! !


tell me i'm beautiful...


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