12.06.2005 at 3:03 pm


today i took two students to the local walmart and spent almost $200 on items to make gift-baskets for the nursing home in our town. this is the second year that we (by we, i mean the student organization that i am co-sponsor of at the school where i teach) have made such baskets (last year we did gift bags � about 20 of them, but this year we did two HUGE baskets instead). last year we sang Christmas carols with the residents of the home and the students had a blast!

tomorrow we will make our annual trek to the nursing home again. (actually, it's bi-annual because we will go again in the spring, but who's counting?) and after we finish caroling with the residents there, we will load up and drive to pizza hut. it is suppose to be a Christmas gift to the members of the organization for their hard work.


C H R I S T M A S ! ! !


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