09.06.2005 at 10:30 am

well...you know...

it is good to be home. at my own house. we had three days off of school last week because of hurricane katrina. we got our power back after four days. chris doesn't want me to claim our generator with fema because he says there are so many other people out there that don't even have homes anymore......the $600 we spent on that generator was well spent but it still feels like we would be stealing from all of katrina's victims if we claimed it. not that it is keeping any other money-grubbing people from around here from getting all they can from fema. and having that $600 back would be very nice....but anyway....we can handle it.

i took some pictures of janie with catherine's digital camera. it's a minolta that she's had for a couple of years. i really liked it. it's so small! the only thing i didn't like about it was the delay. got some great pictures of janie, though.

isn't she beautiful??

throughout today i have noticed the degradation of our youth. how they want something for nothing. in my mind, there is no such thing...but to them, it is all too realistic. they collect checks from the government for not having a job. they recieve ebt cards in rewards for not having a job. today i heard a girl ask if she would get any "fema money" in which she meant money because of the hurricane. her teacher asked her why she thought she might be entitled to any "fema money" and guess what her response was..."well, you know.....Christmas is coming up and all..."

what in the HELL?

my face turned bright red and my ears started burning. i even felt light-headed. my blood pressure had risen to a new height. the only thing that kept me from shooting off at the mouth was the fact that this particular girl (like most of the children at my school) live in a county that will not recieve any federal aid. and it is because they do not deserve it. the people who no longer have houses to call home are the ones that deserve the federal money. not the ones who think they deserve it just because...well, you know.....


tell me i'm beautiful...


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