11.10.2005 at 1:15 pm

all by herself...

every weekday morning i wake janie up from her slumber and she lifts her arms above her head to stretch. i pick her up from inside her crib and carry her to my bedroom where i give her a sippy cup full of milk just before i lay her down to change her diaper (yes, she's still wears diapers...the potty-training thing hasn't happened as of yet) and change her clothes for daycare.

sometimes she decides that she doesn't want to change clothes, and sometimes she's excited. i haven't figured out why yet, but there are days when i don't want to get out of bed for no particular reason other than SLEEP IS GOOD. maybe that is her reasoning as well. this morning it was particularly warm outside (especially for November) so i dressed her in shorts one last time this season. then i put her hair up in pig-tails (because i LOVE her hair in pig-tails, and i don't care if people say it will pull the curl out of her hair � how STUPID is that anyway? if you're hair is going to be curly, IT'S GOING TO BE CURLY and a ponytail holder ISN'T GOING TO CHANGE THAT!) with pink bows. SHE WAS PRECIOUS!

i scooped her up into my arms so i could lower her to the floor. she took off running down the hall into the living room and picked up the remote control to the television (because i am sure she wanted to watch dora) but we didn't have time this morning. i went to the front door to walk to the car and she followed, with milk cup in hand. when we got to the steps that go down the front porch, i lowered my hand so that she could grasp my finger as she walked down the steps.

SHE BATTED MY HAND AWAY and said "no!"

i looked down at my precious daughter who is already becoming an independent little person. she held onto the handrail and walked down the steps ALL BY HERSELF. i relented and walked on to the car (backwards, watching her every step). when she got to the ground she ran towards me and dove into my arms while she giggled that hearty laugh i love to hear.

she's growing up.



tell me i'm beautiful...


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