05.31.2006 at 2:59 pm

toddler opera

another school year has ended. graduation is over. senior trips are just about finished as well. and summer time is well upon us in south alabama. the temperature is reaching well over 90 these days (and when john nodar says the high is 93, you can bet my car is going to say 103 before the day is over).

my sister's wedding is looming over us. i have janie's flower girl dress. i have her outfit for after the wedding (the reception). i have my dress for the wedding. i have even started jami's movie. i have gotten about 600 pictures from her and daniel to make a slide show/movie for them. i am doing this out of the goodness of my heart, mind you. i spent 9 hours yesterday scanning pictures and formatting them for this. not to mention all the music i have to get and deciding what kind of format this thing is finally going to be in� ocd, i know your name and it is LEIGH.

lately chris and i have been spending more and more time with our friends -- but at the same time with janie. this is a place in my life that i thought i would never get to. when i would feel comfortable enough as a mom and a friend to take my child to someone else's house and just hang out for hours on end. it does help, however, for that friend to also have a child. with children comes kid-friendly homes. you know, the kind that don't have breakable and flammable stuff around every corner. the kind that have back decks with a locking gate -- sorta like a big huge playpen. and apparently it never hurts to have chips. lays sour cream and onion, to be exact.

you can always tell if a child is having fun, because if she truly is, she can sing toddler-opera while only in ½ of her bathing suit. AND be cute while doing it.


tell me i'm beautiful...


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