05.22.2007 at 7:08 am

a man

it is only 9 o'clock and chris is already in bed. i am chatting with a friend of mine that we use to meet at a recreational establishment about 25 miles from home. i haven't seen her in a few months and she looks WONDERFUL. she's a computer teacher, like me, but in mississippi. she's about forty, or so.

i was just typing away, you know the normal girl-gab, and she asked how long it had been since we had been out. i told her since chris had been working in florida, we hadn't been in a few months. she mentioned that since she had gotten married, they hadn't been much either.


yep. good ol' shaunda's done gone and got married.

her beau is named david, and i have met him once. he seems pretty cool. not as cool as shaunda, but cool enough. ;)

i wish them all the love and happiness that they can imagine, and then double it.

shaunda deserves a good man. heck, we all do. a man who will love and cherish us forever and ever, amen. a man who will do anything for us. a man who doesn't care if we don't have perfect bodies. or better yet - a man who loves our imperfect bodies.

i hope that david is that man for shaunda. you deserve the best in the world, girl!

* * smooches!! * *


tell me i'm beautiful...


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