02.16.2006 at 10:47 am

janie at school

so... janie's at school with me today. i told my 2nd period class that this was their lesson in abstenance. ;)

she started running a fever yesterday around 3 o'clock and it didn't break until this morning. i had planned on taking off today 1/2 day to take her to the dermatology appointment, but i just could let her go to daycare since she was running such a high fever last night.

so off to school we went.

she's been great so far. except for hearing "momma..momma...momma...momma..momma" constantly for the past hour because she has found so many things she wants to show me. she's drawn on the white board. torn up a few magazines. played on every computer in the lab. we've had a fun 2nd period.



tell me i'm beautiful...


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