02.15.2006 at 12:07 pm


janie is officially sick. i say officially because she is now having to take three breathing treatments with a nebulizer a day. i took her to the doctor yesterday afternoon and was informed that this will be the best thing for her; we'll get that crud out of her chest yet! which inevitably caused the floodgates of mascara laden tears to stream down my face.

i think it was because i was already in a poopy mood BEFORE i found out that janie had coughed her head off at daycare all day long. for proof, look here. and then to hear that i must subject my child to something that she LOATHES as much as i loathe being thought of a simple-minded was just too much for me at that point.

i must say this... i have some really good friends. and i have really come to appreciate them in the past 18 hours. nancy (janie's daycare provider and MY FRIEND) is helping me by giving janie her midday neb-treatment. and melanie (a teacher-friend of mine) has lent me her nebulizer so i can just leave it at home for the next couple of weeks.

i am taking janie to the doctor tomorrow. no... not a doctor for the respiratory crap. a dermatologist. because in October, our biggest worry was that she had a ringworm on her bum � which we have figured out isn't a ringworm. it's some kind of rash. i called to see if i could re-schedule her appointment (like sometime in march or april) and i was told that it would be AUGUST. it is FRIGGIN' FEBRUARY! so. we are going to the dermatologist tomorrow. coughing fits and all.

it'll be fun. don'tcha want to come?



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