06.28.2007 at 10:15 pm

out of the mouths of babes

my momma called this morning to say that pop (my daddy) missed janie and wanted to see her.

"i plan on stopping by..." i said. which was the truth. i just had to finish getting dressed and janie had to finish eating breakfast.

"well, after you left dirt cheap, i think i found another duvet cover that is the same color as the one you bought. if i go get it, i could make you a vallance for your window, or some pillow shams!" she said. you could hear the excitement in her voice.

"okay! sounds great!" i replied. that would ROCK! my mom can sew like no other... it's a blessing now, as well it was when i was a small child. but when you hit about 12, you SO DO NOT want your mother making your clothes....

"well, then i found blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda...." she continued to tell me all the other things i needed to look at.

finally, i had to stop her.

"momma. i just bought $53 worth of stuff yesterday. i can't go buying lots and lots of stuff just yet... not yet. plus, i need to straighten my hair, and i can't do that and be on the phone with you at the same time," yeah. it was mean. but goodness! she talks more to me on the phone than she does in person!

"okay... see you in a bit, then!" she said. i knew i might have hurt her feelings, but i couldn't just stay on the phone forever. i had things to do. places to go. people to see. and she was one of the people!

we headed out not too long after that. janie was dressed in her new shirt that i had just bought yesterday. and i braided her hair. she looked so cute! (as she does every day!!)

as i headed down main street, i turned on my blinker to turn right onto nana and pop's road. i realized that the car sitting at the stop sign was, in fact, nana. i rolled down my window...

"we aren't going to be here that long!" i said very loudly and forcefully out the window at her.

"i won't be gone long!" she replied as she headed towards dirt cheap.

as i rolled my window back up and headed down the road towards nana and pop's house, we came to a stop sign.

and then janie said,

"momma...don't be mean to nana..."

i was flabbergasted. i was stunned. i was shocked.

i was at a loss for words...

i looked back at my sweet, innocent, beautiful daughter. her eyes were getting bigger and bigger. maybe she thought i was about to get mad. maybe she was trying to make a point with the way she was looking at me...i don't know. but she did make a point.

"you're right darlyn. momma shouldn't be mean to nana... momma is sorry... momma loves nana," i said. what else could i say?

lately, i have noticed that some things that janie says are more wise than anything i could ever come up with.

the logic of a three year old.

purely beautiful...


tell me i'm beautiful...


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