12.17.2007 at 8:26 pm

randomly reasonable

saturday, i felt horrible all day. i was so tired... i didn't get much sleep the night before.

saturday night, chris came home. it was absolutely wonderful to see him and for janie to be able to see him. for me, being able to see him and her together was what was really makes everything worth it.

and even though i was tired all day long from not getting enough sleep the night before, once it was time to go to bed, i was wide awake.

insomnia is not fun.

but, ½ of a unisom did the trick. i ended up getting over 10 hours of sleep saturday night.

sunday was not very eventful, but stressful. the issues were work related, so i won't go into them here, but i will say that a teacher really can't get away from her/his job. apparently not even early on a sunday morning.

after getting over that drama, i decided to make peppermint bark. if only because the last time i made it, i gave it to some of the teachers where i work. and everyone that tried it LOVED it. it's so easy -- i don't see how something that easy could be that good. but... then again... there are rice krispy treats. which, i think are actually harder to make than peppermint bark.

janie and i went to my classroom so that i could prepare some papers for today, and she was an absolute doll. she went straight to my dry-erase board and started to draw. i didn't hear a peep out of her until she asked me...

"momma... does schools has bathrooms?"


yeah. i know. i laughed as i led her to the bathroom.

after that we went to nana&pop's house to visit for a while and for janie to eat her snogit food (which we had gotten earlier). and then we went to su-su's. and later on, wal-mart.

when we got home from our long day, i decided it was time for me to get on the scale. and for the first time since i was in high school, the number didn't go past the 200 mark.

i did it.

i got under 200 pounds.

this has been my goal for... the past 3 years. because for the past 3 years, i have been on and off of a diet... heck, counting my pregnancy with janie and HAVING to be on a diet, i can actually say closer to 4 ½ years.

before i got pregnant with janie, in november of 2002, i weighed and my weight had ballooned to 282 pounds.

now, i am somewhere around 198.

i remember telling my sister that i wanted to lose 46 pounds for her wedding. that was in january of 2006. she asked my "why 46? that's a random number!"

because, in january of 2006, i weighed 245 pounds. jami's wedding was in july of 2006. needless to say, i didn't make my goal. and even though i lost 20 pounds for her wedding, i gained every ounce of it back afterwards. in january of 2007, i was right back to where i had started.

245 pounds.

so...it's taken me almost 2 years to lose that 46 pounds. i've actually lost 66 pounds in that 2 years, BUT that's because i also gained 20 somewhere in there.

i hope i can keep it off forever.

i've never thought about a goal past this one. that's probably because i never really thought it would happen. but i have to keep this up. because if i don't, i will be blogging in the future about gaining some of it back.


that sounds reasonable.

and random.



tell me i'm beautiful...


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