11.07.2007 at 9:35 am

intel training

no.... i haven't uploaded any new pictures. actually, i have about 35 pictures sitting in my car on my digital camera right at this very moment... am i going to drag my lazy butt out to the garage and get my camera to upload those pictures that i'm sure you're just dying to see of my beautiful daughter at the fall festival this past weekend?



maybe tomorrow.

i do apologize, though... for my lack of blogging lately. although, i'm not sure that anyone besides my sister would really notice... and i'm not sure that she really reads this blog... i think it's more of a skim looking for her name just to make sure i don't make any derogatory comments about her... ;)

just kidding, sis.

but if that's true, i don't wanna know.
i'll enjoy my self-induced inflated ego for a while longer.


for the past two days i have been doing a teacher in-service through the intel teach program. basically it is about bringing technology into the classroom, and enriching current curriculums with technology so that students learning environment and cognition is improved.
the county that i live in has eight schools. and one person from each school was chosen to go through this training. after our training is complete, we are to go back to our schools and train 10 other teachers (i've already made my list of draftees) to go through this same program. at that point, i will have earned the title of an intel master teacher.

pretty dang cool, huh?

i hope i can do as good of a job training my 10 teachers as my instructor has done with me so far. i plan on picking the teachers who i think will really implement this into their curriculum. and it wouldn't hurt if they already know their way around a computer, since this is essentially centered around technology.

so... let's see... eager to try new things AND technology savvy...

ok. i have come up with 6 out of the 30-some-odd teachers at my school...

i SO see the need for a new bottle of excedrine migrane for this.

oh yeah.


but that's the wonderful thing about teaching. taking people who can't or don't want to do something, and turning them into intrigued individuals who are thankful that you helped them understand that sometimes change is not only a good thing, but a necessary thing.

even if they don't want to admit it.


tell me i'm beautiful...


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