07.10.2007 at 9:22 pm

oh yes he did

i need to start this entry off by explaining something. my sister has anosmia which is the inability to smell. her olfactory was damaged when she was a toddler, and she has not been able to smell since.

it is something that she has learned to deal with... and actually, since the sense of smell (or the lack thereof) isn't something that is noticable in a person. people don't know unless she tells them.

now. this is a story that i was told tonight by her husband, daniel. yeah, the good looking, chiropractor student that is married to my sister.

on one of their first dates, they were sitting over at daniel's trailer. they were watching a movie, or something on television, all hugged up on the couch. apparently by this time, daniel knew that jami cannot smell.

as everyone feels at some point in their lives, he needed to.... um.... fart. he didn't want to get up off the couch... i'm not sure why... hopefully he gets off the couch when he has other urges in that area. but anyway...

so, he proceeded to take care his problem. and luckily it was silent.

and jami was none the wiser t the situation.

that is, until... matt (daniel's younger brother and best friend) walked into the room and cold busted him in front of jami.

his exact words, while giantly waving his hand in the air to fan the stench from his nose was, "MAN! NO YOU DIDN'T!!"

oh. but yes. he did.


tell me i'm beautiful...


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