06.20.2007 at 5:40 am

smokin' hot

we have not heard anything yet about our second offer on the house. and i think it was a pretty good offer. looking back, i should have expected the be turned down the first time (because who accepts their first offer on a house anyway....we didn't).

maybe today i will get a phone call from our realtor and i will get to post something exciting.

chris has already left for work for the day, and i have a few things on my agenda. i plan on making lasagna, so i need to go to the store to get everything. i am making a DVD for a family reunion, and i need to go by the school to get the software for the scanner (which i forgot yesterday). so today is a cooking, scanning pictures day.


chris looked at me last night and said, "leigh, you know i am going to have to go back on the road..."

i expected my heart to sink to depths so low that jacques cousteau would have been impressed.

but it did not.

i don't know why... but it didn't. he is thinking of calling matt and talking to him about going to work about 90 miles away. he said that he could make the drive... and i looked at him and stood up and pointed to the travel trailer.

"if you are going to drive, and wear yourself out, then why in the hell did you buy THAT?"

"....i guess you've got a point...."

damn right i have a point. i don't want him to leave. i don't want him to think that i want him to leave.

right now, i feel like everything is going to be okay. with the house. with chris's job. with my job. even with janie. i have everything (save the house) that i could ever have asked for.

and if we get the house.... then i will have everything.

my dream house.

a good husband.

a beautiful, sweet daughter.

a job that i love.

and a smokin' hot body.



tell me i'm beautiful...


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