05.04.2007 at 11:14 am

no more excuses

i have been informed that i cannot use my daughter as an excuse for doing extra work at work. this was told to me (in front of a few other faculty members) on tuesday morning at the breakfast table in the cafeteria.

let me start from the beginning.

i have horrible stage fright. and i was suppose to give a presentation to a group of students (about 150 of them) the next morning because this person said she could not do it because of a previous engagement. i was mortified. i felt as though this had been thrown into my lap and that it was about to eat me alive.

then the awards program was brought up. me and another teacher always fight over who should do the program (give out our awards) because i don't want to do it, and she rightly thinks that i should participate.

we had agreed that i would present the awards and she could do the speaking part. well, she and i began to go back and forth over this once again at the table that tuesday morning - the whole time both of us knowing that i plan on being there and doing my part. it was a joke. and i happened to say that i didn't have anyone to keep janie -- like that is my trump card.

and then this other person had to open her slow-southern-drawl-loud mouth and interject her unwanted and unneeded opinion.

"you can't use your child as an excuse for not doing your job. we all had babies and we just had to deal with it."

i replied, "did your husband work 3 hours away from home and not come home for weeks at a time when your children were small?"

"well no, but he had to work late, and he coached little league. so you just can't use her as an excuse."

i couldn't say anything.

because i was about to VOMIT on her. first off, I WAS NOT EVEN TALKING TO HER (by the way, she will NEVER have to worry about me speaking to her again either). secondly, coaching little league does not begin to compare to chris working 200 miles away and not having come home for three weeks - soon to be four weeks.

this past saturday was our 6th wedding anniversary. he couldn't come home for that. and to have her compare her husband working late and coaching little league to the fact that my child cries and cries for her daddy now because she hasn't seen him in so long MAKES ME WANT TO DO THINGS THAT I COULD GET FIRED FOR.

i did call my boss and let her know what happened. just because i know that this person has a HUGE mouth and would probably call as well. so i preempted her. my boss told me to stand up for myself and to tell her to BUTT OUT.

next time, i think i just might.


tell me i'm beautiful...


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