03.05.2007 at 10:12 am

catch-up day

today is the first day of the alabama high school graduation exam - spring 2007. every day of this week there is a different test. today is language, tomorrow social studes, etc. the powers that be have decided to allow the students who have passed the graduation exam to sleep in and not come to school until 11:15 every day. so far, i have had one student during first period and one during 2nd period. these kids ride the bus to school and have no other way of getting here at 11:15, so they had to come at 7:30 like any normal day.

so, today is a day of getting caught up for me. a day to finally hang my class rules up on the wall. a day to do some dreaded filing. a day to sweep. a day to get my midterm exam together. tomorrow i will have to proctor the grad exam, and thursday too. but today, wednesday, and friday are going to be catch-up days.

i posted two new web albums this morning. i need to upload some video too.



i'll add a new post if i get to upload any video...


tell me i'm beautiful...


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