02.08.2007 at 12:57 pm

no more gingerale

it is thursday. this week has been infintely better than last week. and not everything has gone totally smoothly, either.

yesterday i got tested for metabolic syndrome. i hope to find out about that by monday or tuesday. i'm not really worried about it -- because it's not diabetes. it's pre-diabetes, which means that more than likely i will have diabetes in the future. like i didn't already know that.

anyway...yesterday afternoon janie came down with the stomach virus. yes, THE stomach virus. because it was the kind that caused projectile vomiting and head spinning in a 360° circle.

when i picked her up from daycare, we went straight to nana and pop's house. i went to the back of the car to scoop her up out of her car seat and told her, "let's go tell nana what happened." to which her reply was, "tell nana that i bad?"

i about cried. this child seriously thought that because she was sick and throwing up, that she was being bad. it took some explaining, but i made sure that she understood that being sick did not make her bad. she was a sweet, sick little girl.


so janie and i stayed nana and pop last night -- which was an event within itself. i haven't spent the night at my parents' house in a VERY long time. and now i remember why. my sister's old bed (which is where janie and i sleep when we do stay there) IS HORRIBLE!!!! it feels like you are laying on a piece of plywood and covering up with sandpaper.

yeah, it's that bad.

not to mention, i was sleeping next to someone who had to vomit after drinking ANYHTING and who thought she was dying of thirst -- because she could not hold anything down. poor chld. she was in tears over not being able to drink. because there came a point that i just had to tell her, "darlin' i can't let you keep throwing up like this... no more gingerale."

you would have thought i put her big toe in a vice grip and pinched it to death from the screams and crys that came out of that child's mouth.

after 3 different shirts for me, 4 different shirts for her, and 2 sets of pajama bottoms each, we made it through the night.

and i have to finish off with this:



tell me i'm beautiful...


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