01.18.2007 at 10:38 am

three years ago

three years ago today, i was cleaning house. i remember that because it was the day that i was to be induced with janie. actually, i don't think i was cleaning anymore, just straightening the house a bit and watching television with chris.

three years ago today i went into the hospital to be induced to have our beautiful precious daughter.

three years ago today i was just a wife. not a mother.

three years ago today i did not know what it meant to love someone infinitely. it is impossible to realize such before having children. the bond between husband and wife can not come close to the bond between mother and child. it would be like comparing the size of a grain of sand to the size of polaris. and i love my husband to the depths of the earth, but it is a different love. and unending love. one that no matter how mad she makes me, or how sad she makes me, will ALWAYS BE THERE. it is the love between a mother and child. there is nothing like it. It is the kind of love that will make you forget about the pain of childbirth, the sleeplessness of child-rearing, and the headaches of potty-training � once it is all over. you only remember the good things. the fun times. the precious memories of watching your child grow.

three years ago tomorrow janie was born. she looked alot like a little sumo wrestler with male-pattern baldness. but she was BEAUTIFUL. she still is BEAUTIFUL. and to me, she will always be BEAUTIFUL...

and even i keep hearing people say that "she's not a baby anymore" -- SHE IS STILL MY BABY. forever and ever AMEN. there is not point at which a son or daughter is no longer his or her mother's baby. period. end of story.


tell me i'm beautiful...


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