07.25.2006 at 10:53 am

and more

i promised there would be more pictures... and there are. maybe even millions (because my sister is addicted to a digital camera) i won't bore you with all the millions of pictures of the wedding, only the ones of my janie, of course...

this was taken at the rehersal. we were trying to work out what i was going to do with janie -- whether she was going to go up the steps with me (which was immediately nixed because i would be wearing heels at the wedding and i NEVER wear heels -- don't want the baby to go flying through the air if i trip, you know?) anyway, you can tell from my expression that i was like "you want me to do what?"

here we are at the after-rehersal dinner. this isn't the most flattering of faces i have ever made in a picture, but to show that i'm not ONLY going to put flattering pictures on my blog (because no one is beautiful 24/7). i had just gotten back to town from taking janie home because she was acting like a 2 year old at the rehersal -- who woulda thunk it? a kid acting like a kid!!! oh. my. goodness. that is why my hair is balled up on top of my head, though.

and now we make it to the wedding... having all those girls stuck in the bride's room at the front of the church is not necessarily a good idea. way too much estrogen in one place, if you ask me.

at least janie and jami were happy. this has to be the most precious picture of them that i have ever seen (except for the almost exact pose taken by the realy photographer -- which i haven't scanned in yet).

here is janie at the reception. it was hot. HOT i tell you. but what can you expect in south alabama in july? it could have been worse. i think it only got up to about 96 that day... but it was overcast just enough to keep the sun from frying us all uop for breakfast...

there are so many more... but i have got to go to lunch. maybe later i can write about locking janie in the truck yesterday morning while she was still strapped into her car seat... AHHHHH!!!!


tell me i'm beautiful...


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