02.06.2006 at 2:07 pm


janie is getting better. we spent all weekend together. she is by far the happiest sick child i have ever encountered. we made the rounds on friday (and even went to the schools to see nana and pop) and she was so excited when we got to each place, she would run around and climb all over everything she could. which, of course, made her cough her little head off, but she was having a great time.

she's taking like 6 different medicines. SIX. that's a lot of friggin' drugs for a 30 pound 2-year old. heck, that's a lot of drugs for ANYONE. she takes so much medicine at night that she's full and doesn't want any supper (and yes, we did figure out to start feeding her first).

chris has started working another job. it is farther away from home (by about 35 miles or so) but it is still drivable (and keep in mind, i am not the one having to drive � otherwise i might not say it is so drivable). i hope this job is better (mentally) than the last one. my dad knows the guy who runs this company and i have known the guy who is going to be chris's boss for years (and graduated from high school with his wife). so (maybe prematurely) i am thinking this is going to be alright.

only time will tell. but at least he's still HOME.


tell me i'm beautiful...


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