02.02.2006 at 1:09 pm


*cough cough cough*

that's all we heard last night from 9 o'clock until about 2:30 this morning coming from janie.

*cough cough cough*

i wish i could describe how pitiful it was. she has been coughing for the past few weeks (only intermittently � and not bad enough to go to the doctor) but last night... that was different. apparently she had a tickle in the back of her throat and i just wouldn't go away. for five solid hours she coughed. i gave her triaminic nighttime cold and cough AND a prescription for vazol-d (which is apparently also known as zyrtec-d...a fact i did not know until i just searched for it on the net just now). she takes singulair every night anyway as well as zyrtec. **note: there was over 8 hours in between the dose of zyrtec and vazol-d... so no freaking out, okay?

i haven't gotten hardly anything done today. i called nancy this morning to check on janie and apparently janie had fallen asleep in the recliner sitting straight up. poor little baby girl. a two year old can't get far on only 3 hours of sleep at night.

neither can a 26 year old.



tell me i'm beautiful...


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