08.24.2011 at 2:57 pm


some days as a teacher make me want to be a better mother. today for example.

a student in one of my classes had his hand raised as if to ask a question in class. i walked over to him to see what his question was, and he then pointed to my stomach and asked very loudly, "you pregnant???"

now, you need to realize i teach high school.

not elementary school.

and also, i am NOT pregnant.

i'm not the thinnest person in the world. but i'm not pregnant.

AND i would like to state that my daughter is only 7 and i am pretty sure she knows not to ask such a question as arrogantly and disrespectfully as it was posed to me.

so, i guess my 7 year old is socially smarter than this 15 year old.

hmm... maybe i'm not doing such a bad job after all...


tell me i'm beautiful...


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