04.12.2007 at 7:25 am

moments of peace

my moments of the most peace are in the morning at janie's daycare. when she is still sleepy and wants me to hold her. i carry her from the car into nancy's living room and sit down with her on the couch. she will lay her head on my chest and just let me hold her.

no squirming around. no talking. just me and her sitting on the couch, her head on me, my head on her's. my arms enveloping her little body.

i have started getting the feeling that i want to have another baby. these feelings haven't just come up out of nowhere; i have pretty much always known i wanted to have another.

i keep waiting. waiting on us to move closer to my parents. waiting on us to have a bigger house. waiting on chris to get a permanent job within driving distance of our home.

waiting, waiting, waiting.

but lately, i feel my want for another child growing stronger and stronger.

besides, doesn't the world need another little girl like my beautiful janie?


tell me i'm beautiful...


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