11.08.2012 at 8:00 am

day 8: i am thankful for the original four

Day 8: I am thankful for "the original four" as Aunt Susan calls us #thankful #30thanks

i am thankful for "the original four" as my aunt susan calls us. pictured above (in order) are catherine, me (leigh), amanda, and jami. of course jami is my sister. she is also the youngest of the four of us. i am the oldest. amanda and catherine are our first cousins. for a long time, we were the only grandchildren on my mother's side of the family (well, long time is a relative term).

we may have only been cousins, but we were raised as sisters. we spent summers with our granny because our parents worked (granny worked at the elementary school, so she was off with us during the summer... it was a blessing for us and our parents, but i'm pretty sure that some days granny didn't think it was such a blessing... lol)

i remember building tents in her dining room (it never had a table in it, and when i was younger i didn't even know that was the dining room... come to think of it, i'm still not absolutely sure...) we searched through the couch and pawpaw's chair for change so we could ride our bikes up the street to big "b" drugs and buy candy. granny would make us homemade play-dough and we would fashion cups and plates for our dolls.

yep. i had an AH-MAZING childhood. :D


tell me i'm beautiful...


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