01.13.2015 at 12:41 pm


I just found out that our librarian is probably quitting this year.

I cannot imagine ever leaving JHS.

My daddy is teaching his 36th year here. I am on my 11th. I graduated from this school. My mom graduated from this school. I hope Janie and Si both graduate from this school.

I love my school. I always have. I cannot imagine teaching anywhere else. I honestly can't. This is more than just a job. It is a calling. It is my life. I constantly strive to be better at teaching my kids.

Yeah, my kids. If they're in my classroom, they're mine. I care about them now and I look forward to hearing from them in the future.

I love my job more now than I did the first year I was here.

And I hope I love it even more next year.


tell me i'm beautiful...


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