01.04.2015 at 2:59 pm

pain meds

I'm feeling better. A lot of this emotional craziness is from all the pain I'm in from surgery. I haven't wanted to take my pain medication because I know when it's gone, it's gone. But I shouldn't let myself get to hurting so bad that I feel like I did earlier.

Tomorrow I plan on going to work. Not to teach, because it is an in-service day, but to get assignments ready for my students while I am out this week. Janie will go with me and I think Jason plans on taking Si to Mrs. Donna. So we will get to have a mommy-daughter day :) maybe we can go get pedicures together :)

Tuesday I have a doctor's appointment with Dr Hussain in the morning. Ms Pat will also be here that day so I hope to get some stuff done around town while she is here. I'm not sure why but I feel uncomfortable being here when she's here. When I see Dr Hussain I am going to ask him to refill my pain medication prescription. I hope he will...

Si is being stubborn and doesn't want to take a nap. I really want to take one.. lol

I love nap time :)


tell me i'm beautiful...


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