08.30.2013 at 10:07 am

wound care center

I found out that someone very close to me, someone dear to my heart has been lying about me... it hurts to even think about it right now, so I'm not going to elaborate on it... but I hope that the whole situation is resolved so that I can forget that it ever happened.

At this very moment, Jason and I are at the wound care center. This is quite possibly the scariest place I have ever been... there are elderly, sick people everywhere. I am the youngest person here, save the two young children running around in the waiting room... I would never bring Janie or Si here if I could help it.

I think it's time for another Percocet... I wish I had an Ativan or a Xanax... I may need it to make it through this appointment...


tell me i'm beautiful...


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