11.20.2007 at 6:47 am

where to start

welll..... today's sort of up in the air. i really had planned on going to spanish fort to go shopping, but that's just not gonna happen. there's all kinds of other things that i can do and NEED to do, i just don't really know where to start....

i bought a wreath yesterday for the front of the house. it's 48" tall.

yeah. i know. BIG.

i bought the ornaments to go on it and i have to get lights for it. that's one project for the day.

grocery shopping. THAT's gonna be fun. but the longer i wait the worse it'll be. i'm pretty sure there's not a can of cranberry sauce in all of the tri-county area by now. it is already tuesday before thanksgiving. yeah. i know. i've probably waited too long.

dye my hair. yep. it's that time again. i'm getting the blah feeling about my hair, so it's time to do something.... just nothing too drastic. so, i want to dye the underlayer of my hair dark again. :) hopefully that will be change enough...

Christmas decorations. it's time. i've gotta locate the decorations for the house. i have a general idea of where they are.... either in the garage, in the living room, or in the basement... i would LOVE to get the mantle decorated. and the tree? i don't even know where the tree is going to go. this house is so different from our other house.... i think we're going to have 2 trees, actually. and i know where one would go. but the other? no clue. and it's not a space issue.

so.... i guess it's about time to get started....


tell me i'm beautiful...


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