10.31.2007 at 3:19 pm

aint gonna

i'm trying REALLY REALLY hard to be an optimist.... and there are some things (or, should i say, some people) that just try their hardest to block me.

i almost gave in.

but i REFUSE.

i'm sorry that certain people can't help but to put down and berate the others around them, if for no other reason than they think it might make them feel better.

how can making someone feel bad ever make you feel better?

i really don't understand it.

every time i have ever hurt someone's feelings, from janie, to chris, to my mom, to co-workers (which to my knowledge has only happened once or twice), to friends, i always feel worse in the end than i did before i opened my mouth.

in the past 2 days there have been two people... that have.... well... become obstacles in my life.

and i just ain't gonna let them stand in my way, damnit.

i just ain't.


tell me i'm beautiful...


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