09.02.2007 at 9:12 pm

going to walmart

taken today just before our trip to wal-mart...

janie acted pretty good on this trip. yeah, this time. she only freaked out once, and that was in the check out line because she was overcome by the wall of candy that bombarded her eyes as i pushed the buggy towards the conveyor belt.

it's a conspiracy.

stores put that candy there so parents have to buy it for their kids when they have been good the whole time they have been in the store. it also works as a torture device for both the parent and the child when the child hasn't acted so well in the store. because you just can't reward bad behavior by buying your child candy at the end of a wal-mart trip when she's acted like she was raised by monkeys.

and even though janie was pretty good in the store, i didn't buy her any tic-tacs or gum (which were two of the twelve things that she requested when she saw all of the candy).

am i am mean mother?


do i know that my child acts like she's on crack when she's had too much sugar?



tell me i'm beautiful...


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