08.28.2007 at 9:05 pm

my little buttercup

dear janie...

you are growing up. every day you get taller and speak clearer. every day you discover new things about the world around you. some of them good... some of them bad... every day you wake up is the beginning of a new adventure that you may or may not remember ten years down the road. you are constantly making memories... i can only hope and pray that your memories of me, and our life together, will be happy ones.

you are turning into the person that you will be forever. the characteristics and personality that you are cultivating will stay with you throughout your lifetime. although, i hope that you don't insist on sleeping with a pappy when you are grown...

i hope you keep your giggle and the sparkle in your eyes. i hope you keep your curiosity about life, even if it gets you into a little trouble along the way. because how else are you suppose to learn? you can't learn from someone else's mistakes all the time. sometimes you have to make them yourself. i only hope that i am there to cushion the fall when you do.

i want you to be whatever you want to be when you grow up. a nurse, a doctor, a teacher, a lawyer, a stay-at-home-mom. i hope you can live a life full of excitement and wonder that far surpases anything i could ever dream.

you have blessed my life more than i could ever begin to express in my limited vocabulary. i would do anything imaginable for you.

you are my life.

you are my heart.

i love you, janie... my little buttercup...


tell me i'm beautiful...


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