08.12.2007 at 5:49 pm

drama in wal-mart

since we purchased and moved in the new house, it seems that the topic of conversation around is when are leigh and chris going to have another baby?

this is not a topic of conversation at my house, but apparently it is at other houses. i'm not saying that chris and i haven't talked about it, but the conclusion that we always come to is not right now. because we have so much going on.

now, i do realize that i wanted to get tenure as a teacher and move into a bigger house before having another child. and both of those happened within a month of each other. is that a sign from God that we should have another child right now?

goodness, i hope not.

janie is probably EXACTLY like me when i was her age. she never stops talking. even when we are trying to watch a movie. she always wants to eat something else other than what is for supper... until we start eating and then she wants what chris and i have... she's introverted AND extroverted AT THE SAME TIME (how a person can be such, i'm not quite sure -- but janie is). she will say "i'm sorry" for the smallest infraction, but when she really does something wrong she would rather sit in time-out for an hour than say she is sorry.


can you tell that i am tired?

our trip to the local wal-mart ended with me in tears.



there are so many things that went wrong in that store that i cannot even begin to describe them all... it started with janie not wanting to ride in the buggy and ended with her getting exactly what she wanted anyway. with a whole bunch of drama in between.

so. this is for all those people who keep asking me when i am going to have another child.

not any time soon. i need to recooperate from the first one...


tell me i'm beautiful...


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