07.06.2007 at 10:01 pm

freaky fridays

fridays seem to be days that are full of aggravation for chris and me. the past few have been full of problems that, at the time, seemed insurmountable, but in the end most of the problems worked out fine or even to our advantage.

my first example didn't really work out fine or to our advantage, but it's an example, nevertheless. the first friday in june i got a call from my mother that my grandfather probably wasn't going to make it through the day. and yes, he ended up passing away later on that weekend. although, i guess knowing that he is no longer having to deal with his illnesses is atleast some peace i can live with...

the third friday in june started out with an offer on our house that we had to turn down. we were so bummed because we just KNEW that the man who was coming to look at it was going to offer us exactly what we wanted. we spent all morning cleaning and cleaning and CLEANING until i was moping a clean floor over and over and over again. but by the end of the day, all that cleaning paid off. after a second couple came to look at the house, we were able to go to bed that night knowing that we had a buyer for our house.

the fourth friday in june started out fine. i was doing my normal daily routine... taking janie to nancy's, getting in nancy's tanning bed, going to wal-mart, and then i remembered i needed to go by the real estate office to sign the buyer's agreement. i made my way to the office around 10:30 that morning. when i got there, my realtor walked me to her office and told me to shut the door behind me. then she handed me a paper that was a buyers agreement for my dream house FROM SOMEONE OTHER THAT ME. not only was it not mine, it was for more money than chris and i had discussed offering. we were basically at our limit as it was. i cried in the realtor's office when i realized that i was about to face being homeless. and that i was about to lose this wonderful house. i called chris and then drove home - on the phone the whole time with a couple of friends asking them what i should do and crying. when i got home, chris and i talked it over, called our financial advisor (my old boss who is going to be our new next door neighbor and who is also CIO of a local bank) and decided to up our offer one final time. around six that evening, we got a call from the buyers' agent that said our offer had been accepted and was signed in her hand.

the last friday in june was just stressfull...not really for me, but for chris. that was the day that we closed on our house. when we left the bank that morning, we no longer (and still really don't) owned any property. that really got to chris. when we laid down that night, he told me that he felt strange going to bed in someone else's house... apparently it didn't keep him up too long, though. within 15 minutes he was snoring away. :)

and today. the first friday in july. i have been stressed out all week because we have to close on the new house before the 13th of july (that is next friday, by the way)because of the house being in foreclosure and if the foreclosure was to be totally stopped, they had to be paid before the foreclosure auction. i am leaving to go out of town (200 miles away) on sunday and will not be back until the night of the 13th. there is no possible way for me to sign papers being 200 miles away, unless i am to drive back home to sign and then turn right around and go back. i can't get out of this trip because it's a teacher conference and i signed up to go months ago. although, i explained to the bank that i was more than willing to drive back if i had to, but i sure didn't want to. so, at 4:15 this afternoon my loan officer at the bank called and said, if you can get here before 5, you can go ahead and sign. we have everything ready, and we will get the sellers to sign next week. i ran out the door to chris and said we have to go to the bank NOW! so, we did. we got there at 4:45 and signed papers for the next 25 minutes. i wish i had counted how many times i had to initial and sign. dang. i sure wish i had counted.

so, that's where we are. we still don't own the house, but we are like oh-so-very close. hopefully, next friday will be a wonderful friday. i will be driving home from auburn, back home to my family. back home to chris and janie.

i am looking forward to the conference. i graduated from auburn university back in 2000. i know that it's got to be a lot different now. but i want to ride through the trailer park that i lived in (yes, i said trailer park -- don't make fun, it's a part of going to auburn, living in a trailer). i want to see the campus again. i want to just ride around and look. and i am rooming with my sister. my beautiful, thin, talented sister. we are going to have a BLAST!

tomorrow we are suppose to go to my parent's house to grill out (for my birthday -- happy birthday to me!). i'm not sure if it's going to be a burger grilling or a steak grilling, but i am hoping for the latter. i really, REALLY need to wash my car, and i think that janie will have fun helping, plus i will get to take some great pictures.

this weekend is going to be great!


tell me i'm beautiful...


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