06.10.2007 at 4:39 pm


there are more than a few things that are, well, odd about me... such as certain foods that i don't like, the fact that i can't cross a certain tunnel without trying to hold my breath through it, the way i like to sit in chairs, and so on and so forth.

and because this blog is mostly meaningless drivel, i have decided to add this entry to the plethora of drivel i have already typed...

foods i do not eat (and why)
disclaimer: this list is not at all conclusive and may be added to at any time

coconut: i don't mind the flavor of coconut, and i love the smell, but the texture makes me think of a cow eating grass. i cannot stand that it seems to get bigger in my mouth instead of dissipating... i just can't eat it.

any grape flavored candy: when i was about 4 or 5 years old, i had one of those large grape flavored laffy taffy candies. i am pretty sure that my daddy told me to put it up, but i decided that i needed to eat the whole thing. it wasn't long before i was having to taste that grape laffy taffy for the 2nd time, if you know what i mean... now, i can't even eat a purple jolly rancher (grape flavored) without almost reliving my episode with the laffy taffy over 20 years ago.

salad on my burger: i cannot and will not eat tomato, lettuce and onion on my hamburger. i do not want a salad on my hamburger, thank you. if i wanted a salad, i would have ordered a salad. actually, i do not eat raw tomatoes at all, nor do i eat raw onions. cooked, they are fine. but raw? i don't think so.

mushrooms: i haven't really been able to find a way that i like mushrooms at all. and again, much like coconut, it is not the flavor that i dislike, it is the texture. just thinking of biting into a fleshy mushroom makes me shiver... *blech* oh, and janie seems to feel the same way that i do on this one....

tea: yeah, i know this isn't a food, it's a drink. but in the south, if you don't drink sweet tea, people look at you like what in the heck is wrong with you? women put it in their babies bottles, for heavens sake. it's just the way things are done around here, i guess. i HATE tea. i don't like sweet tea, unsweetened tea, hot tea, cold tea, lemon tea, green tea, and none of the other 148,394 varieties of tea that i am sure there are in the world.

well.... that's all i can think of right now, but i am sure that as soon as i post this, i will think of a few more... yeah, i am a picky eater, but i think that most people are.... atleast i am willing to try new things and find out that i hate them, right? ;)

oh, and the chair thing? i like to sit half-lotus style in chairs. recliners, straight-back chairs, office chairs, it doesn't matter. now granted, i usually don't when i am in the company of people who might think this is weird, but my family seems to overlook it (or they are talking about me behind my back - which is absolutely possible).


tell me i'm beautiful...


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