05.16.2007 at 9:23 pm

very random entry

well, well, well.

school is almost over. i can see the light at the end of the tunnell. i had a meeting today with one of my bosses (i have two, aren't i lucky?) it went well, even though i freaked out before the meeting because i was going to be late. and being on time is something that is very crutial to this woman.

which is understandable. if you can't rely on someone to be on time, how can you rely on them for anything else? i ended up only being about 7 minutes late -- but i was late, nevertheless.

i think she was okay with it.

atleast, i hope she was.

i have started making janie do her breathing treatments at nancy's house. i sit her on the couch in the morning (half asleep) and prop her against the pillows. each treatment takes about 12 minutes (which is FOREVER in toddler-time) but she seems to do them so much better at nancy's. i don't know what it is, but she just seems to mind better there. actually, she seems to mind nancy MUCH better than me.

this afternoon, she whined and whined and whined during her treatment, and i tried to give her my teacher-voice, but it didn't phase her.

"mommy, i want you."

"mommy, where are you?"

"mommy, i need you!"

now what am i suppose to do? ignore her? when she knows i am just in the next room?

oh no. not mommy-leigh. i have to go to the child's rescue, like i truly think she is in pain and needs me.

when we got home we went to feed blue (he's now having to stay in a fenced-in area of the backyard because of the mess that he made when chris was gone for that month). so, off to the back yard janie and i went. i know this sounds crazy, but we don't use our backyard. janie's swing set and play house are in the front yard. yeah. i know. very hillbilly-ish.

but that's just the way it is right now.

i took some extremely random pictures tonight. like of my fridge, and what i bought janie today at the exxon station. oh, and of what was in my little cooler that i carry everywhere i go and get made fun of for.

i'm not really sure why. i just wanted to take random pictures, i guess.

i'll post them somewhere tomorrow - probably on flickr.


tell me i'm beautiful...


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