02.01.2007 at 2:40 pm

puppy gog

i did get to take some pictures of janie playing with her new puppy last night. as you have already figured out, his name is dark blue.

Janie & Blue


he is a black puppy and his name is dark blue.

janie has a pair of navy pants and she told me once that they were black.

"no darlin', those are navy. sorta like dark blue," i tried to explain to her.

"dark boo?"

"yes janie. dark blue."

"okay momma. dark boo," she replied in her munchkin-like voice.

so, it stands to reason that when she saw the little black lab puppy, that she would think it was dark blue.

when we asked her what she wanted to name the puppy, her reply was, "puppy gog."

so. we had the pick from two names.

1. dark boo
2. puppy gog

of which we picked the former. i just couldn't see calling this dog "puppy gog" for the rest of its life. but i am sure there have been stranger names given to animals.

as a matter of fact, i have a friend who just got her husband a great dane puppy. her husband's name is vin, and the puppy was the runt of the litter. she got it for him for Christmas. and from all that, here is his name...

vin's Christmas runt

or vcr for short.

i told her that the next one they got, they should call dvd or iPod.

whatcha think? pretty witty, huh?

p.s. i think that this really and truly is my therapy. because since sitting here and actually typing an entry, i feel like the weight of the world has been lifted from my shoulders. it probably has something to do with the fact that chris is coming home tomorrow night too. ;)


tell me i'm beautiful...


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