09.06.2006 at 8:34 am

a real bed

i have waited far too long to write an entry. i have much more to write than i have time to write... if you know what i mean.

i'll start off with some pictures that are long over due... janie and me on the water slide at a birthday party for a dear friend's daughter. yeah, it's always good to start off an entry with a good laugh, right?

i have had these pictures for a couple of weeks (atleast) and am just now getting to uploading them. sad, huh? have i lost my blogging anal-retentiveness? NO! fear not! for i have many MANY more pictures to share with you in this entry alone!!!

by the way, those inflatable water slides are THA BOMB for a kids birthday party in the summer. those kids were so into playing on that thing that they didn't even care about the presents OR the cake.

on to more recent activities� this past weekend, chris and i bought janie a real bed. not a toddler bed. a real-mattress-and-boxsprings-3-feet-off-the-groud-so-if-she-falls-off-she'll-break-her-neck bed. we moved the crib out of the bedroom (chris attached the headboard to the head of the new bed) and rearranged her room. so far, it is coming along nicely...

she has had no problems making the transition (so far). although, now i have to lay down with her at night to get her to go to sleep because i cannot seem to lay her down in the new bed without waking her up. but that's fine. because her bed is MUCHAS more comfortable than mine... so i have NO PROBLEM laying down with her� sometimes i have a problem wanting to get up, though....

monday afternoon we went to the in-laws for a labor day cookout. janie decided to show her BUTT OFF for about 30 minutes and act as though she ain't had no raisin' what-so-ever. i finally talked her cousins into going off and playing out in the yard without her� because every parent knows that an ornery child does not like to see other children having fun without them. it took about 2 minutes for her to realize that leighann and jessica were having a grand ole time without her and she changed her little attitude...

thank you reverse psychology!

here are my nieces�

thank goodness....

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