08.22.2006 at 3:53 pm

about the house

there is so much that goes into why we decided not to go for the house... maybe i will be able to go into it later.

the good news is that we were approved for the loan, and that we have great credit. and there really isn't any bad news. i'm not sad about it. janie's too young to understand what was going on anyway. and chris, well, he just doesn't want us to be broke.

he is thinking that in a year, we will be in a better financial state to do something like this. and with this argument, i had to agree:

do you want to spend $120,000 on a house that you know has problems that doesn't have really enough of a backyard for janie to play in, OR would you rather spend that same $120,000 on a new house?

valid arguement. (and we won't go into that how much land costs thingy. because my head hurts.)

so. here's our baby-janie...


tell me i'm beautiful...


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