07.03.2006 at 1:46 pm


have you ever heard that old joke of �what 3 things are teachers thankful for? -june, july and august!� ?

hardy-har-har. that is the stupidest joke i have ever heard.

let�s just see. i�m taking an insanely hard online college class. not only is the work load heavy, but it is not just time consuming. it is H-A-R-D. my computer lab at school is ridiculous now. not to mention that i cannot even stand to be in that room hardly. i get mad every time i walk through the door. (of which, i found out today that was UNLOCKED after the maintenance guy fixed my broken window from the break-in. UNLOCKED!!! and i left him the key! $^%&(@!! ). my sister�s wedding is in t-minus five days and counting. (i am the matron of honor and have yet to finish her bow-bouquet for her to use at the rehearsal which is in t-minus 4 days�) i have just made some changes to a movie for her and daniel (the program is rendering the movie right now � which is the only excuse i have for taking the time to write an entry here). i just found out that my super-cool scanner and uber-super-cool DVD-RW also got stolen along with all those super-cool computers. AND they took the DVD-Rs and CD-RW that i had bought with school money.


okay, enough venting. it�s time to get back to work. my next entry will be positive. no more negative crapola. it�s time to get over it and move on.


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