03.07.2005 at 1:47 pm


i am thinking about changing my template....yet again. i have found some beautiful pictures on stock.xchng that i have completely fallen in love with. the only problem is going to be finding out which one to use on the website.

i should put them up here and have the people who actually take the time to look at my site decide which one i shold use. because, everyone knows that a diarist doesn't only write for herself....well, mostly for herself. but knowing that there is someone out there reading about my life makes me fell....well, special.

this week is major testing at the high school where i work. which means that i really don't get to do much teaching. i teach the same class three times a day. therefore, i want my classes to be on the same schedule....because it makes my life easier. but i had all but six of my 1st period class absent b/c they were testing. all but 1 of my 3rd period was present and accounted for. and by my 4th period class started, all the students were through testing.

so my 1st period class had to do nothing. and my 3rd and 4th period classes have had to do LOTS. but i doubt my 1st period will have to make up the work.

i know that may sound wrong, but the latter two classes give me so many problems unless they are worked to death. my 1st class is full of angels...save one guy...but i try to not let one bad apple spoil the bunch, you know?

my theory is that the later in the day it is, the worse the kids are. be it what they ate or how tired they are, i don't know. and really don't care.

they just make me so tired.

and i miss chris.



tell me i'm beautiful...


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